05 - Receivables Analysis 05 - Receivables Analysis
This App offers a highly comprehensive analysis on the company’s receivables providing a clear view of Receivables KPIs such as Balance or Average Due Days.
Receivables consist of 2 Dashboards offering various perspectives on the Receivables Data.
Receivables Volume Trends
This first Dashboard offers a vast array of information and  interactivity.
In the top part the you are presented with a series of Receivables KPIs such as Receivables Balance, Average Open Days and Average Due Days.
The top part of the Dashboard controls the bottom part as the Top 10 Customers by Balance and the Yearly Variance are shown by the selected region.
Historical Trends
This second Dashboard offers two different visualizations of the
monthly receivables performance.
The Line Chart enable a comparison of monthly trends of the Receivables Balance by Region as well as at the time interval and visually compare evolutions on different periods.
Historical Trends
The Heat Map emphasises the correlation of two highly important
Receivables KPIs: Balance and Avg Due Days.
You are able to identify months that in the first instance seems good (High Receivables Balance) but are actually problematic (high level of Average Due Days).